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The radio test and hyphens

Media Robin - Informative Articles

When you are building a company, you want a great name that stands the test of time, easy to remember and can navigate languages ensuring the brand is enhanced and understood. This equally applies when building a website for your company. The domain name you use should be easy to remember and communicate across various means of transmission, there should be no room for ambiguity for potential listeners. The radio test in essence encompasses any other form of communication, where your brand name could potentially be raised; for example phone calls, Zoom calls, radio adverts, or conversations at the bar, potential consumers should be able to locate your website immediately after hearing of it with no room for confusion or ambiguity. Complicated domain names containing, for example, punctuation like hyphens, or numbers, make it incredibly difficult to locate and misdirect online traffic.

It also creates other setbacks, highlighted below:

People hearing would first be inclined to type, showing how a weaker domain potentially diminishes a brands competitiveness.

Every email junk box is full of emails that use hyphens. This adds to the problem of an address looking like a spam address. Your first contact may result in no reply.

The radio presenter must remind the audience of the hyphen again and again; otherwise, your customer ends up with your competitor.

There are, of course, examples where a hyphen is relevant, but most companies who dominate the global online space avoid hyphens.